
Thursday, December 29, 2011

My Christmas!

My Christmas was wonderful!!! I had a fabulous time with family and Loved every second of it! I love Christmas time! I recieved a new camera and LOVED playing around with it! Here are a few pictures I took of our Christmas Celebration!

Playing around with filters, focus, and the tree!

The tree with the starburst lens!

The tree with the the starburst lens but this time NOT in focus!

The tree with the starburst lense and closer up!

Legos! My little sister had a lot of fun doing these... She did a fantastic job didn't she?

One of her kits was a police car and a robber...heres a close up of the bad guy!

Her Boat house and boat! I love the guy at the binoculars! (I put him there...)

New scarf made by my WONDERFUL mom! (the alligator stitch)

I thought I would be an AMAZING grandaughter and make Gluten Free cookies for my Grandfather! :) Of course I took a photo!

I got new CDS too and couldn't resist taking an artistic photo!

New Boots! My sister and I have only been looking for boots for about a year and an half and our awesome Aunt got us some for Christmas! This is a picture of them! I didn't relize that the boots that I put on my wish list had a heel and because I am not allowed to wear heels I had to give them back to her to return... :( but I am gettting a pair EXACTLY the same as my sisters! :) (the darker ones)

The Roast Beef. Okay- I hate roast beef but I needed something to take a photo of and this was on the table and it came out looking amazing- So here it is!!
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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Friday, December 23, 2011

Bird Nest Earring Tutorial!

So a little bit ago, when I was hunting around Pinterest, I came across this cute Bird Nest necklaces tutorial from this awesome website! At the time I was stuck in bed and was COMPLETLY bored... I decided to try it! Here is what my necklace looked like.

When I finished the necklace... I wanted to make a maching pair of earrings. I made them... and didn't take a photo of them. I decided I wanted to make another pair of just earrings and this time I took photos of the steps...

What you need...
Round Beads in any shape and size you want- I have found that 3 per nest works well
2 Earring Wires
2 Jump Rings
20 or 24 guage wire

How To:
*I think the pictures above are almost better than what I could write- but I will write the steps out anyway*

1. Put your first bead about 1 inch and a half up the wire
2. Secure its place by looping the wire, that is attached to the spool, back to the entrance whole and where the shorter end is

3. Put the 2 other beads on and bend the 3 beads into a triangle then fold the remaing wire towards the middle.
4. Wrap the wire around the beads until it is almost the what you want it to look like
5. Cut the wire about 6-8 inches
6. Tricky part is now... as you probably have noticed, the wires are starting to spread apart, so now that you have cut the wire you can wrap it around the loose outer wire (wordy I know)
7. Wrap it to your hearts content or at least until you have about 1 1/2 inches left
8. Begin to wrap it again but stop so that you can make a loop to connect your jump ring to
9. Make the loop about the size of a jump ring and then take your pliers and twist. It should look like the top hap of an 8
10. Wrap the remaining wire around the twist
11. If your loop has become squished use a pair of round nose pliers to make it round again
12. Do the same for the other earring
13. Open the jump ring and place you loop of the nest on it
14. Next place your earring wire on the jump ring
15 Close the jump ring
16. Do the same thing again for the other earring

TADA! You have finished!

Here's a bigger picture of mine:

PS please don't mind my messy nail polish job...

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Monday, November 21, 2011

Fuse Beads?!

Have you ever played around/ used fuse beads? I love them! I have a huge assortment of the the peg boards and beads and love them. If you don't know what fuse beads are- you should be ashamed! :) they are these beads (imagine that!) that are placed on a pegboard and when ironed they (are you ready for this?!) FUSE together! (I bet you didn't know that was coming! :)

I have made so many different designs with them! Here are two that I was working on this summer.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Cupcakes... and an Update

So a while back I promised pictures of the flower cupcakes I made... AND here they are! Only a few months late but thats ok! :)

So what have I been doing lately? Why have I not posted? Well school started, so that means life started up again! I helped out with the Grammer School Musical as a Stage Manager/ Director's Assistant. I loved it! I got frustrated at times but it was well worth it! I love those kids now!

Then we had the Church Fair- which I was a Cordinator for. FUN FUN FUN! :) I love doing it but it is a little overwhelming at times. I am already thinking about next year!

Now life has taken a tole (sp? :}) for the painful. My hips and knees will not stay in their sockets so it is a little bit hard to do stuff. I did make a cool chalkboard and I will have to post a tutorial for that sometime soon.

Until Next Time

Friday, November 18, 2011


I am wondering why I have not posted this picture yet but here is the cake I made for my friends birthday!!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Butterfly Cupcake...


So today I made a butterfly cupcake... an experiance to say the least. I saw this tutorial online and then found out it came from a book I have. I started by not melting the candy melts enough... so it didn't come out liquidy enough... :( then it wouldn't smooth... :( but it still came out looking ok! I did give it a inside that was green but its not this picture... :) Also made 2 flower cupcakes but I need a unblurrier picture...

Until Later
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Friday, August 12, 2011

Summer Time...

Warning this post is intresting and somewhat boring- BEWARE! :)

So what do you do in the Summer time? Some may go to the beach, others the pool. But what do I do in the summer time? READ! Not all of the reading is good but it is still fun! I love to go to the Childrens floor at my library and find short books with intresting names. They are fast to read and normally pretty good! For Instance- I just read You Must Kiss a Whale It was intresting to say the least! :) It was not bad nor was it excelent but still fun to read! :)

What else do I do in the summer time? I go on trips with my family. For instance I went to Amish Country this year and plan on going to Storyland too!

Sunday, July 31, 2011


So...Jobs.... How does a teenager find one? Especially a teen with health problems? I started looking today (again) and found a couple websites that say that you can earn money by blogging and using some thing from Google called Adsense. But once you look into the Adsense- you have to be 18... NOOOOOO! I would love a job where I could proof read at home or on the computer, write, or even tutor and earn money! But there is really isn't any thing out there for that! That my friends, irks me! I would love to get a new camera but to get one I need money and to get money I need a job. GRRRRR! That is frustrating. I am a soccer Referee from which I get about $60 a year. (if that) which is a nice start and all but it really is slow and not what I would like to be doing. I can't drive, I don't have a way to get places easily and I live in a swamp. How on earth am I going to find a job! ;) Any Suggestions?

Until Later,

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Half Birthdays

So, does anyone else on this earth celebrate half birthdays? My family does. It all started because I was born less than 20 days after Christmas. Sure, I could live with that- but my mom felt bad for me as part of my family ignores my birthday. They send me a card but other than that its thrown out the window because Christmas overshadows it. (Note: that part of the family is very slowly getting better at this) So when you first child, who happens to be both set of grandparents first grandchild and one of the sides ignores the birthday, you as a first time mother feel bad. So you decide to celebrate half Birthdays.

This is how the tradition began. And what you do for one child you do for the other and then when you have a half brother his half birthday gets celebrated. I have started a new trend! :)

Still to this day I prefer to have my bigger celebration on my half birthday so I can not be overshadowed- not that I am selfish but by human nature we all would like to be the center of attention if we like to admit it or not. Also when family members started to ask you what you want for your birthday- you have no clue because Christmas has just occurred and now you have no more list.

And why do I bring this whole topic up?

Because today happens to be my half Birthday! So happy Half Birthday to ME! :)

-The 1/2 Birthday Girl! :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

What to do...

So currently I am undecided on what to do- I hurt my hip. I have no idea how it happened but somehow it did. The full story is that I was bringing something upstairs to my room and got to my room put the bag down and tipped over on to my bed- I couldn't stand anymore. It started to hurt on the way up the stairs but I thought nothing of it. This happened yesterday.

Today I woke up and was still unable to put weight on it and it hurt to bend it so I hopped over to my crutches that have a permanent spot in my room as this does happen frequently- and used those for the rest of the day. I went to Walmart, the doctors for my sister and even the library and a small party. (by small I mean my family was the only one for a while until we left...) I can put some weight on now this evening but it is hurting now as I lay in bed.

We will see what tomorrow brings-


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Todays Excitment

So today I made Gluten Free Chicken Pot Pie and washed the dishes and vacumed and cleaned the kitchen- all before 10am. then my day proceded to continue with me washing the dishes another 5 or 6 times, making dinner for my family and grandparents and vacuming the screenhouse. Along with that I also helped with making Chocolate Pudding, Gluten Free Twinkies, and Gluten Free Angel Food Cake.(The Angel Food Cake turned out awful so we chucked it) All that before 6pm. Seems like 2 days' work pushed into 1. Wow... Long Day! But it was fun! We are going to try and do it again soon! :) Let me know if you want the recipies!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

How I got free Jewerly

So I recently got a ton of new jewelry. well- its not new but it is new to me! A great way I found to get new jewelry is through my grandmother. And before you role your eyes and think that its going to be all grandmay kind of stuff- think again. This stuff is from when she was a child or from her mother. That means it is Vintage and all this vintage stuff is coming back in to style now so I just got a lot of fashionable pieces for free! I actually googled one of the companies that I had found on the tag of a bracelet and found out that it was worth over $50- Not bad for free?! I don't plan on selling it but still its kinda cool to do that kind of research! Check out the Photos Below of some of my favorite pieces!

This one is just so pretty! The leaves going in different directions and the pearl in the middle just makes it special!

This one is one of my absoulute favorites! It is a matching set of bracelet and Necklace! The picture doesn't do it justice! It is beautiful- I also think it may be worth some money too. I have more reaserch to though!

This one is the one that is worth over $50! Wahoo! :) It is so pretty... It is a SILVER 2 STRAND BRACELET W/TASSLE CHARM by Monet! Wahoo! So pretty and unique I must say!

This one is just unique and cool! I love this piece! It has five old coins on it that are just so cool!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July

Happy (Late) Fourth of July!

Just a Picture I took of my towns' WONDERFUL Fireworks! How Awesome is this? And it wasn't even the Finale!

What I have been up to Since April

So the last time I posted it was April- What have I been doing since then- you ask? I have been busy!!!! :) After the last post I have got injured numbererous times- is that a word? And then I also have dealt with my sister having brain surgery. Sound like fun? Oh Yes! :) Loads of FUN! I am getting the hatred I feel every summer now- I HATE THE HEAT! Especially the Humidity! GRRRRR! I also had to deal with the end of school. I haven't made any cakes really since the last post besides for the Raggedy Ann. My bakery (my household kitchen) has been slow! :) Not many family members needing cakes around now. All our Birthdays are in the Winter and Fall months! :) I have been playing Nurse with my sister- who I mentioned had brain surgery but other that that no exicting things have really happened this summer. Spend Mondays with Mom, Tuesdays visiting Grandparents, Wednesday I spend with my stepmom and 1/2 Brother and Thursdays and Fridays I spend with my sisters- J and C. :) I guess thats it for now! ;)

New Cake!

So I made a new cake for My grandmothers birthday this weekend. Since her birthday is the day before the fourth of July we like to draw as much attention away from the holiday and turn it to her as we can. So I made a Gluten Free Cake for my family that is Gluten Free and made it Raggedy Ann... Tell Me What You Think!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Spring is coming!


As you can see by this photo- spring is coming and I am mighty proud to say that I took this photo! :) Happy Spring my not real readers! :)
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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ways to go to Sleep

Spending the week with my little cousins is making me stretch my imagination on ways to fall asleep. One goes to sleep with little fuss the other not so much. I am writing this as I lay on his floor after deciding I was done getting up and down to put him back to bed. I have given him a calculator to play with- this 9 year old really loved that- no sarcasm. He played with it for about a 1/2 and hour last night before falling asleep. Tonight not so much. He has read the dictionary, played with the calculator, read, wore a Viking hat (I am a fun cousin), knit, played with a Chinese finger trap... And a couple other things. He's got school tomorrow and he won't sleep. Oh wait I think I hear him snoring! :) Praise the Lord! Oh wait he just talked.... Yuck... :) yawning is a good sign right?! I can give him props for being so good the past few nights considering his parents are half way across the world on business... So that explains some of it but, Buddy- I want to got to sleep

Tired Sarah

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Another Cake...

It's been a busy time lately! Going from one thing to the next! I feel like I haven't stopped moving! But as I am home sick today- I thought I would post a picture of my latest cake! It was made for the youth group at my church! It was very yummy!! :) It is more of a basic cake but never the less I am proud of it!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Another Cake...

So hello my none existent readers... I just wanted to share a picture of the cake I made today!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Review on the Cake

So after the picture I posted yesterday I thought I would I write about how the Cake tasted... It was really really good!! Chocolate cake tastes sooooo good!! The fondant wasn't bad either but I still want to taste Duff's...a friend of mine had it and she said it tasted like buttercream frosting- YUM!!! That is definitely on my list of what to try.

-teen decorator

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Just like I promised! Here is my Birthday cake! I made this out of fondant and chocolate frosting. This is the first time I have ever covered the whole cake in fondant! I am so excited to see what others think! So what do you my non existent followers think?!


Wow so a year without posting! Amazing...I think I havn't posted because of a few reasons- 1- no one reads this, 2- haven't been able to remember my password 3- see number 1. What eventful year it has been....just to name a few things I graduated MS and am now in HS, I have been forced to quit gymnastics, and I have decorated cakes much more seriously then in the past. I think I shall turn this blog into things about cakes. I won't even ask if anyone cares because NO ONE READS THIS...I think I am ok with that but I like comments on things so I am not sure. If someone actuatly does read this- you should tell me......Then maybe I will take this more seriously! :) My friend just started an awesome blog called how to be a winner....It is amazing!

SO back to cakes....I am a self taught cake decorator who loves to decorate. I hate to cook but love to bake. My family is Gluten Free so I don't get to bake much for my self very often but I try to do it anyway. I love baking for my friends at Church and it makes me feel good to know that I get to practice while making others a snack! :) I'll post my latest creation soon....I made my own Birthday cake.....Warning/Disclaimer- it is not pefect where as it is my first time using just fondant...but it looks pretty good I must say...We will see how it tastes tonight. For now-