
Monday, July 11, 2011

What to do...

So currently I am undecided on what to do- I hurt my hip. I have no idea how it happened but somehow it did. The full story is that I was bringing something upstairs to my room and got to my room put the bag down and tipped over on to my bed- I couldn't stand anymore. It started to hurt on the way up the stairs but I thought nothing of it. This happened yesterday.

Today I woke up and was still unable to put weight on it and it hurt to bend it so I hopped over to my crutches that have a permanent spot in my room as this does happen frequently- and used those for the rest of the day. I went to Walmart, the doctors for my sister and even the library and a small party. (by small I mean my family was the only one for a while until we left...) I can put some weight on now this evening but it is hurting now as I lay in bed.

We will see what tomorrow brings-


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