
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Half Birthdays

So, does anyone else on this earth celebrate half birthdays? My family does. It all started because I was born less than 20 days after Christmas. Sure, I could live with that- but my mom felt bad for me as part of my family ignores my birthday. They send me a card but other than that its thrown out the window because Christmas overshadows it. (Note: that part of the family is very slowly getting better at this) So when you first child, who happens to be both set of grandparents first grandchild and one of the sides ignores the birthday, you as a first time mother feel bad. So you decide to celebrate half Birthdays.

This is how the tradition began. And what you do for one child you do for the other and then when you have a half brother his half birthday gets celebrated. I have started a new trend! :)

Still to this day I prefer to have my bigger celebration on my half birthday so I can not be overshadowed- not that I am selfish but by human nature we all would like to be the center of attention if we like to admit it or not. Also when family members started to ask you what you want for your birthday- you have no clue because Christmas has just occurred and now you have no more list.

And why do I bring this whole topic up?

Because today happens to be my half Birthday! So happy Half Birthday to ME! :)

-The 1/2 Birthday Girl! :)

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