Sunday, July 31, 2011
Until Later,
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Half Birthdays
This is how the tradition began. And what you do for one child you do for the other and then when you have a half brother his half birthday gets celebrated. I have started a new trend! :)
Still to this day I prefer to have my bigger celebration on my half birthday so I can not be overshadowed- not that I am selfish but by human nature we all would like to be the center of attention if we like to admit it or not. Also when family members started to ask you what you want for your birthday- you have no clue because Christmas has just occurred and now you have no more list.
And why do I bring this whole topic up?
Because today happens to be my half Birthday! So happy Half Birthday to ME! :)
-The 1/2 Birthday Girl! :)
Monday, July 11, 2011
What to do...
Today I woke up and was still unable to put weight on it and it hurt to bend it so I hopped over to my crutches that have a permanent spot in my room as this does happen frequently- and used those for the rest of the day. I went to Walmart, the doctors for my sister and even the library and a small party. (by small I mean my family was the only one for a while until we left...) I can put some weight on now this evening but it is hurting now as I lay in bed.
We will see what tomorrow brings-
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Todays Excitment
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
How I got free Jewerly
This one is just so pretty! The leaves going in different directions and the pearl in the middle just makes it special!
This one is one of my absoulute favorites! It is a matching set of bracelet and Necklace! The picture doesn't do it justice! It is beautiful- I also think it may be worth some money too. I have more reaserch to though!
This one is the one that is worth over $50! Wahoo! :) It is so pretty... It is a SILVER 2 STRAND BRACELET W/TASSLE CHARM by Monet! Wahoo! So pretty and unique I must say!
This one is just unique and cool! I love this piece! It has five old coins on it that are just so cool!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
4th of July
Just a Picture I took of my towns' WONDERFUL Fireworks! How Awesome is this? And it wasn't even the Finale!
What I have been up to Since April
New Cake!
So I made a new cake for My grandmothers birthday this weekend. Since her birthday is the day before the fourth of July we like to draw as much attention away from the holiday and turn it to her as we can. So I made a Gluten Free Cake for my family that is Gluten Free and made it Raggedy Ann... Tell Me What You Think!