
Monday, April 15, 2013


It is school vacation week here! That normally means a week full of big ideas of what you would like to accomplish and do- and by the end of the week you have done none of them! But not this time! I am going to spend my week being productive... Or at least I am going to keep telling myself that... :)

I do know for a fact a that today I am going up to Jericho, Vermont to visit the Snowflake Bentley Museum... Fun right? :) Ok well I am a self proclaimed nerd and ever since I heard about this guy in kindergarten I have been fascinated! I loved the idea of taking picture of the snow- or maybe it was just all the snow itself! (I also cannot get enough of the snow). And when we had to choose a topic in History to write a 10 page paper on, I jumped at the chance to write about this dude. He lived a pretty cool and inspirational life. So today I am going to go up to his hometown and go to the one room museum... hopefully the grade on the paper makes the 3+ hour trip worth it.

What am I going to do for the rest of the week you ask? Well I have no idea! I might sew a maxi skirt... or I might play with my perlers (more on this unhealthy obsession later...), or I may read....

What should I be doing? I should be writing that 10 page paper or writing the lab report that will be due next week... and I probably should also work on all those Latin verbs I keep forgetting... But I seriously doubt any of these things are going to happen... well I doubt that most of the first list will get done too :)


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