
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Freebies and Samples

I started posting pictures on Facebook of many of the items I was getting for free (like the photo below) - and that generated some questions on how I got these things. I thought I would answer these questions once with this blog post.

I began my interest in receiving free items a few years ago- but never to the extent that I am involved in it now. About two months ago I saw this post on Pinterest. I got all excited- as what teenager doesn't love coupons! I started off by sitting down one Sunday afternoon and sending emails to everyone of those companies which my family uses. Out of those 30 or so emails I got 3 coupons. Now that I think about it- that is not a great odd- however I was very excited. I began to research if there were other things I could get coupons for or even for free.

I quickly found a few websites that have become my go-to resources for learning about freebies and samples. I use Vonbeau, My Free Product Samples, Freebie Shark, and I Crave Freebies. I do not have the time or the skill to go and search the Internet to find my own freebies, so I use these as my guides. I get so excited when I find an awesome new freebie or deal! I am working on the rest of my family- they tend to just role their eyes.

After I began and started ordering samples after samples- I lost track of what I was ordering and from where. That is when Genius Me decided it would be a brilliant idea to start a spreadsheet. Now this spreadsheet stays open at the bottom of my computer screen and I love to go and look at it often! I get so excited seeing what I may get next! So far I have reached row 78 so I will have a boat load of stuff coming in soon!

I also am a member of Swagbucks, Recyclebank, and Smiley 360. I love Swagbucks and Recyclebank! I am very new to Smiley 360- so when I get more equipped with it I will let you know how it is! With Swagbucks I have earned 2 $5 Amazon Gift Cards for free! Using Recyclebank, I have earned 1 magazine subscription and am close to getting another Amazon Gift Card! :) Both are TOTALLY FREE! What is better than that?! :)

I think that is all I have to say about my freebies and samples. One Tip I leave you with is- make a separate email account so that you do not have all these emails in your personal account! I have found this an easy way to separate the things I will read first from the things that I can read later! If you have any questions, or comments, or you have personally received free items, Let me know by leaving a comment or sending us an email!
