
Monday, June 11, 2012

Happy Day

Tomorrow is the last day of school for me- Sonja has been out for a while- and that means more posts! I already have a lot of ideas!! But today I wanted to share something that made me really happy today- I did a split! You most won't understand why I am so excited... So I will tell you. I have been out of gymnastics for about 3 years now and I just tried to do one and it was almost perfect. So that is my happy moment today. Check out the picture...


Saturday, June 2, 2012


Hey! So school is almost over for me and it is so crazy right now that I haven't had time to blog! But today I was thinking and I wanted to share my thoughts with you!

Why have I set my morals and standard so high?

I have only worn skirts for about 4 years. Why? Because I feel it is more modest. I love skirts and everyone I know knows that I only wear them- so going back to pants would be weird- especially for me. On top of wearing only skirts- I make sure all my tops are not to revealing. I actually wore a dress just last night that was beautiful by societys standards and my family agreed but I felt so uncomfortable in it- why? Because of the cut of the dress and the looseness up top. I looked pretty but does that come before comfort and my morals?

Does the rest of my family only wear skirts and always wear sleeves? No. Sonja is very conscious in the sense that she makes sure things go past her knees- she often calls me out on things that hit my knee or are slightly above it. I have trouble finding stylish things that hit my knees because of my height and build. Our mom respects my conviction to wear skirts which is nice but she herself wears pants. We are all quite strong in the modest neckline area though.

Why do I only wear skirts?

Because I want to be modestly dressed and not cause my brethren in Christ to sin. Simple as that. :D

So this blog post is sporadic and random but that is what makes it Spaztastic!
