
Friday, February 24, 2012

Small Duct Tape Rose Tutorial

So I previously posted pictures of my duct tapes flowers and someone commented saying they liked the small roses. So I made up this tutorial for you!

What you need:
  • Scissors or X-Acto Knife
  • Duct Tape
  • Ruler or Cutting Mat
  • Fingers

I used a X-acto Knife, and a cutting mat.

To Start- Rip/Cut a piece of Duct Tape off about 10 inches long

Cut the Strip of Duct Tape into about 1 inch by 1 inch squares

Fold the 1 corner of the duct tape on to the stick side so that it forms an "L" shape of sticky.

Fold the 1 of the stick sides onto the already folded duct tape. It will make a triangle of duct tape

Fold the rest of the Squares.

To start your duct tape rose, roll the 1 of the triangles into a cylinderish shape.

Keep adding petals around to form the flower. (It will take a few pictures for you to get your technique

Tada! You made a duct tape flower. To make a larger one, just make the squares bigger. Have Fun and Good luck!!!
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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Duct Tape!!!

So I have become reobsessed with DUCT TAPE! :) I love the stuff!!!

So today I am making flowers! Want to see them!? ;) comment if you want me to make a tutorial for one of them or all! ;)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

School Book + Duct Tape =????!!!!

So what do you get when you add A school book and Duct tape together? No not one hot mess- but a awesomly covered book! I had paper bags on my books and one of them was VERY ripped and since I am lazy and didn't want to recover it I just duct taped it.

****IMPORTANT!!!!!!!! DO NOT DUCT TAPE TO THE BOOK!!!!!**** :)

What You Need:
-A Book Covered in a Paper Bag
- Duct Tape

My Math Book is ready for a make-over
Paint Splatter Duct Tape

Take the duct tape and start at the top. Take a piece of tape andcover from one end to the other. Keep going until you finish. Yes it is really that easy!

The finished book!
Chemistry and Math Book!!!

My Sketch book was startying to fall aprat so I duct taped it too!
A peek inside to show you it was a sketch book...

Have fun!!!!!!!!
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Truck Day Party

Red Sox Truck Day was Saturday so what did we do? We had a Party!!!! :) We invited ourselves over to our cousins house and ate Hot Dogs and watched a DVD of the World Series... We had a blast! I made cupcakes and cookies for the party... (with my sisters help) Here is what they looked like! (I did them in an hour....)

Wally the Green Monster Cupcake

The Boston "B"

The Baseball Cupcake

The whole plate of them!!!!!
The Cookies!!!!

Thanks Guys for the amazing time!!!!! I hope we can do it again!
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Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Remember these beautiful nails I showed you last week?! Well do you want to see what they looked like the next day? :)
How nice... all the paint came off

Except for these 3 fingers... fun!

Well at least I know I can keep paint on them for a short amount of time!
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Wednesday, February 1, 2012


So I FINALLY got nail polish to stick to my nails! :) Yay!!!!! Wahooo! haha! I am so EXCITED! I decided to try again because I was tired of the chili's. Most people don't walk around with Chili's on their nails... :p I pondered over it for a while and then decided to try my black polish out. I then put white on with a dotting tool.

Don't mind the polish on the skin- I cleaned it up... more
Close up!

So what do you think?! :) I love that I don't have to worry about the colors clashing with anything I wear because Black and White go with almost everything!:)

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