
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Monday, November 21, 2011

Fuse Beads?!

Have you ever played around/ used fuse beads? I love them! I have a huge assortment of the the peg boards and beads and love them. If you don't know what fuse beads are- you should be ashamed! :) they are these beads (imagine that!) that are placed on a pegboard and when ironed they (are you ready for this?!) FUSE together! (I bet you didn't know that was coming! :)

I have made so many different designs with them! Here are two that I was working on this summer.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Cupcakes... and an Update

So a while back I promised pictures of the flower cupcakes I made... AND here they are! Only a few months late but thats ok! :)

So what have I been doing lately? Why have I not posted? Well school started, so that means life started up again! I helped out with the Grammer School Musical as a Stage Manager/ Director's Assistant. I loved it! I got frustrated at times but it was well worth it! I love those kids now!

Then we had the Church Fair- which I was a Cordinator for. FUN FUN FUN! :) I love doing it but it is a little overwhelming at times. I am already thinking about next year!

Now life has taken a tole (sp? :}) for the painful. My hips and knees will not stay in their sockets so it is a little bit hard to do stuff. I did make a cool chalkboard and I will have to post a tutorial for that sometime soon.

Until Next Time

Friday, November 18, 2011


I am wondering why I have not posted this picture yet but here is the cake I made for my friends birthday!!!